Using SimGrid-FMI


void init(double communication_step)

Initialize the FMI plugin of SimGrid. This method has to be called after starting the SimGrid engine. The other SimGrid-FMI methods can not be called before this one. The SimGrid-FMI co-simulation master will manage the FMUs with an integration step-size and a state-events detection precision equal to communication_step.


void add_fmu_cs(const std::string& fmu_uri, const std::string& fmu_name)

Add a new FMU fmu_name located at fmu_uri to be co-simulated with SimGrid –i.e. load and initialize the FMU. SimGrid will manage the co-evolution of the FMU with its own models and the distributed application. SimGrid actors can then interact with the FMU.


void connect_fmu(const std::string& out_fmu_name, const std::string& output_port, const std::string& in_fmu_name, const std::string& input_port);

Add an output-to-input ports connection between two FMUs. During the co-simulation, SimGrid will update the input_port value of out_fmu_name according to the output_port value of in_fmu_name. Input ports connected to other FMUs can not be set manually by SimGrid Actors.


void ready_for_simulation();

Solve the initial FMUs couplings. Have to be called before starting the SimGrid simulation. New couplings are forbidden after calling this method.


void register_event(const std::function<bool(const std::vector<std::string>&)>& condition, const std::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)>& handleEvent, const std::vector<std::string>& params);

Define state-event and register a callback. The condition boolean function determines (i.e. returns true) when the state-event occurs (e.g. return x >= 0). The handle_event function will be called by the master with the params parameters when the state-event will occur. Each state-event is triggered only once.


void delete_events();

Delete all the previously registered state-events. The co-simulation master will stop detecting these state-events. Then no callbacks will be called.


void connect_<TYPE>_to_simgrid(const std::function<<TYPE>(std::vector<std::string>)>& generateInput,
                         const std::vector<std::string>& params, const std::string& fmu_name,
                         const std::string& input_name);

Connect the SimGrid models to the real input port (i.e. continuous) input_name of fmu_name. The generate_input function is used with params to convert the state of SimGrid models into FMU input port values. The SimGrid-FMI master will automatically use this function to update the FMU input port upon SimGrid models state change.


var_type get_var_type(const std::string& fmu_name, const std::string& var_name);

Get the type (i.e. real, integer, boolean, string or unknown) of an FMU variable.


double get_<TYPE>(const std::string& fmi_name, const std::string& output_name);

Return the current value of the output port (i.e. continuous) output_name of fmi_name. Available types are real, boolean, integer and string.


void set_<TYPE>(const std::string& fmi_name, const std::string& input_name, TYPE value);

Set the value of the input port (i.e. continuous) input_name of fmi_name. Input ports connected to other FMUs can not be set using this method. Available types are real, boolean, integer and string.